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X5 7.5 inches Dildo with Flexible Spine Beige (BN26753)
For the feel of real, look no further than X5 7.5 inches Cock with Flexible Spine by Blush Novelties! It is made out of X5 a unique material with superior properties that feels real and even warms to the touch. The 7.5 inches veined shaft is firm and truly feels realistic, providing to you an intense erotic experience. A flexible internal spine allows this dildo to remain erect for you at all times, so bend twist or angle it to hit all the right spots. It is sized perfectly for beginners and those who prefer an average sized cock. This is the perfect dildo for unforgettable solo play or with a partner and is the perfect addition to any toy collection. Most importantly, it is phthalates free for safe fun! Use a good quality water based lube to keep the material strong, and dust with cornstarch if it gets tacky.

Features: flexible spine holds any position. Phthalates free materials Thermoplastic Rubber TPR. Realistic look and feel. Cyberskin quality at a fraction of the price. Circumference: 4.5 inches. Product dimensions: 7.5 inches Length by 1.5 inches Width.

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