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X5 Hard On Vibe 9 inches Waterproof Dildo - Beige (BN52203)
Blush Novelties made this Multi-Speed Hard On to please and fulfill all of your erotic needs and it is waterproof! This toy is not for the faint at heart, measuring 9 inches from end to end and thick enough to satisfy the most experienced, demanding lover. If you're up for trying a large realistic toy with girth this is definitely the recommended place to start. It warms up quickly to your body heat, but it's even better if you soak the shaft for a few minutes before use in warm water to give it an even more realistic feel, then play away. X5 is phthalate free and among the best materials one can find; its unique properties allow it to have a realistic feel like that of the human body. Among X5's unique properties, the bonding, on the atomic level is very flexible yet highly resilient and can recover its shape in no time. All you need to do is just relax, lube up and enjoy your X-tasy 5 times over! Features 9 inches Length. Flexible shaft. Phthalates free materials Thermoplastic Rubber TPR. Realistic feel. Powerful multi-speed vibrations. Waterproof. Requires 2 AA batteries, not included.

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