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One next generation mixed pleasures condoms - box of 3 (CNVELD-7705-01)
Mixed Pleasure variety 3-pack, features three of our unique 120 vibrant designs on innovative round foil wrappers ONE glowing pleasures' glow-in-the-dark condoms which will be sure to light the way and offers the same strength yet greater sensitivity than standard condoms. One Super Sensitive - Softer, smoother, clearer and purer like a second skin, packaged in a stylish silver recyclable tin for upmost discretion Premium non-spermicidal, silicone based lubricant providing a safer and more pleasurable sliding experience for you and your partner 100% profits from One condoms fund HIV outreach projects in Africa. Our next generation One condoms are a smooth fusion of advanced product design and leading-edge manufacturing technology. They are made with an advanced latex formulation called Sensatex that enhances everybody’s pleasure just that little bit more. When you buy One condoms, you will see three of our foil wrapper designs. There are 120 in total, so if you’re feeling amorous enough you can collect the entire range! Each packet also has a classic one-liner printed on it to lighten the mood. Are you the Rembrandt of rubber? Be the one to create your own design and enter it into our competition for a chance to see your design become famous!! Our company, Global Ethics, sell ‘One’ branded products that are unique in that every penny of profits help fund water and health projects in Africa. When you buy a pack of One condoms not only are you safe with your partner, you also know that you are helping to save lives in developing countries! Now that really is double the feel good factor! We also produce One Water and One Vitamin Water to help fund water and health projects in Africa. Ensure you read the enclosed instruction leaflet on how to use our One condoms for maximum pleasure and safety.

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