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ID Glide Water Based Lubricant 12ml Tube (CNVELD-IDGLT-12ML)
Our best-selling product, ID Glide provides you with all the slip you could ask for in a water-based lubricant! Use it during intimate moments between you and your partner for an exceptional sensual experience. Use it by yourself and delight in your own moments of bliss while kicking off some stress. Use it on your toys and enhance the sensation for a more enjoyable time. This lubricant is good to use in just about any sexual encounter you might find yourself in.

Looking for the best water-based personal lubricant? Glide is by far the best water-based lube option for intimate moments. ID Glide is condom compatible as the formula it consists of was rigorously tested to ensure condom compatibility. Having been put through such thorough tests ensures that this lubricant won't negatively affect latex-based or polyurethane products like condoms. This also means that it is safe to use with your favorite adult toys.

Furthermore, it can easily be re-activated with a drop of water or saliva should if it begins to dry out. Worrying about stains is not an issue as this lube was designed not to leave behind any unseemly stains. Glide is your one-stop shop for anything that needs the perfect amount of slip in the bedroom. Our company worked diligently on this product and even had it approved as an FDA 510K medical device. This means that our product has been made to such a high standard it can even be used in a doctor's office. The advantages of having a lubricant made to such standards are many such as knowing that you are using the best product on the market. You know you're getting a quality product when you choose ID.

ID Glide is here to slide you into place!

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