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Fetish Fantasy 9" Vibrating Hollow Strap On Balls Beige (CNVELD-PD3377-21)
Have you always wanted to feel more confident about your size and enjoy satisfying sex with your partner long enough for both of you to reach orgasm? Your lover knows that size does matter and nothing can fulfill your fantasies and please your partner like a confident man that knows what he's doing! Now you can have the length and girth you have always dreamed of and be all the man you can be with Fetish Fantasy Series 9 inches Vibrating Hollow Strap-On with Balls. Say goodbye to embarrassing midway letdowns and say hello to a satisfying smile from your lover!

The comfortable elastic harness easily adjusts to fit most sizes, while the 9 inches PVC dildo will hit just the right spot every time. It is perfect for men with ED, premature ejaculation problems, or anyone looking to simply add a little something extra to their next encounter. Best of all, you can still enjoy hot, face to face sex and ensure that both of you get off even if he is already finished or can not get it up! Choose a speed that is right for you and let the powerful vibrations whisk you away! A super strong multi-speed bullet delivers thrilling vibrations at the tip of the dildo precisely where you want them most, and our exclusive hands free waistband clip allows you to keep the controller by your side and out of the way of the fun. The dildo is body safe, latex free, and compatible with both water-based and silicone based lubricants.

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