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We Vibe Chorus Cosmic Pink Couples Vibrator (CNVELD-WVSNW6SG3)
Be Part of the Chorus. The shape, the control, the features. Together, make a Chorus. The combination of technology breakthroughs and new intuitive features makes the We-Vibe Chorus a must have for couples everywhere. 

We-Vibe Chorus is a hands free couples vibrator that takes you to next level sex. Chorus is all about giving you exactly what you need to maximize pleasure, together. With an adjustable fit, touch responsive vibrations and customizable controls, it is the most advanced and intuitive couples vibrator ever. Powerful, rumbly vibrations. Intensify your pleasure with 10+ modes and deep, rumbly vibrations. Chorus is 100% waterproof, making it easy to enjoy anywhere and simple to clean. 

Worn during sex, Chorus is adjustable to fit your unique body so you can feel the vibrations right where you want them. The shape is easy to adjust, then stays in position once you have found the perfect fit. Change vibration modes as well as the intensity in the heat of the moment. Chorus' Squeeze Remote is designed with the most natural human response in mind  the tighter you squeeze, the stronger the vibration gets. Release your grip and the vibration weakens. Chorus features unique touch sensitive receptors located beneath the We-Vibe logo. As you play, your movements control the vibrations. 

Choose from three Touch sense modes to find your ultimate pleasure. USB rechargeable. Convenient and eco-friendly, Chorus is rechargeable with up to 90 minutes of play on a single charge. Beautifully designed case. Low power alert know when your Chorus needs a charge, so it is always ready to go when you are. 

With the free We-Connect app, you can play and share control of Chorus from anywhere, create custom vibes and play together with other We-Vibe products. Vibe to music with Beat mode or use Touch mode for real time control at your fingertips. Better connectivity. Chorus is powered with AnkorLink technology. AnkorLink creates the most stable connection between your We-Vibe and the We-Connect app. The Squeeze Remote is the anchor between Chorus and the We-Connect app you will need to keep it close by whenever you are using We-Connect.

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