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Strict Spreader Bar System Black (CNVELD-XRAE919)
Strap your lover into this comfortable spreader bar to heighten the mood! Excite your sex life with this bondage positioning aid, designed to spread their ankles wide apart and trap their wrists between them. Imagine the possibilities! Put your play thing into doggy style or flip them over and use the device for leverage as you plow into them! Each of the adjustable cuffs is cushioned so that your partner will stay comfortable during long sessions of spankings, multiple orgasms, or whatever you have in mind! The locking buckles ensure that your lover will not escape until you are done with them!

Polyurethane PU leather, metal. Bar measures 16 inches in length, 2.25 inches in width. All cuffs measure 2.25 inches in width and adjust between 6 inches and 10.5 inches in circumference. From XR Brands.

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