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Pink Stripper Pole (CNVGWC-GWGXRAB119)
Heat up the action in the bedroom and in their pants with this pole! Putting it up is as easy as 1-2-3, allowing you to save your energy for the exotic show that is about to go on stage. Flip, dance, twirl or do just about anything else while performing on the pole, as it is made to handle your hot moves! You can also use this pole for an amazing aerobic workout, not just a sensual dance. Made from two pieces of steel, it is strong and sturdy. Included with the two pieces is a ceiling cap which can be installed with or without screws. If you plan to apply weight to the pole, we recommend using the included screws for security. The pole height ranges from a minimum of 7 feet and maximum of 9 feet, with a circumference of 6.5 inches. Includes a white non-skid ceiling pad.

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