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Anal Fantasy Collection Vibrating Thruster (CNVNAL-47150)
If you're an advanced anal player, this Vibrating Thruster is just what you need to take your anal stimulation to the extreme! The Vibrating Thruster features a tapered tip to ease insertion, and a whisper-quiet motor that delivers mind-blowing vibrations directly to your most sensitive area. Use the wavesc on the remote control to cycle through seven unique pulsation patterns, while the arrows control three powerful thrusting speeds. Take advantage of the super strong suction cup base for an effortless, wall-banging good time! Try filling yourself with the Vibrating Thruster during other sexual stimulation and you'll climax harder than ever before! Our ultra-hygienic Elite Silicone is phthalate-free, hypoallergenic, and can be worn all day for long-lasting fun.

Insertable Length: 5.5 in. (14 cm) Width: 1.75 in. (4.4 cm)

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