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Mega Bator Rechargeable Strokers - Pussy (CNVNAL-54669)
This hands-free masturbator does all the work while you watch your mobile device. Just push a button and enjoy explosive results. Reciprocating action spins and thrusts simultaneously. Features a custom TPE pleasure sleeve that mimics the body part. The pussy is lined with rows of tiny spiral flaps that tease and please with each rotation. USB rechargeable. Approximate charge time is 2 hours, long enough for 1.5 hours of runtime. Sleeve Suspension System features a powerful magnet that locks the moving cup into place, making it easy to remove for cleanup. The Mega-Bator features five speeds and ten pulsation patterns. Clamp and locking tab make it convenient to attach a mobile device. Powerful suction cup features air-lock activator. Waterproof. Package includes air lock suction cup, mobile device holder, USB charging cord, and toy cleaner.

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