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24 Inch Bondage Bar (CNVXR-AD534-24)
This versatile bondage piece goes beyond the standard spreader bar. The lightweight metal bar is a fixed width, and capped on each end with plastic. The bar is sturdy and strong, ready to withstand any struggle your partner puts up. Each end supports and sturdy O-ring, to which 4 swivel snap hooks are attached. Use this bar to hobble your pet, or to bind their wrists to their ankles. Use it in the front or behind, between ankles and wrists, or to an anchor point of your choosing. Make your pet hold their arms out and attach weights to the end, with a punishment in store if they move. The possibilities are limited only by your devious mind. Measurements: 24 inches in length Material: Iron with zinc polish, plastic Color: Silver Note: Cuffs sold separately Warning: This is a NEW item that is not in retail packaging, usually a plain box, wrapped in plastic or a poly bag.

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