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Ultra Bator Swirling Automatic Stroker (CNVXR-AE313)
The Ultra-Bator features 3 speeds of swirling rotation sensation, and up and down stroking action, all in one! The inner chamber is texturized with sensation feelers, and 4 windows on the sides that let you see all the action. This state of the art automatic masturbation tool boasts an ergonomic hand held design, and a user friendly control pad, with a constant stroking motion and unique rotation feature that adds a whole new dimension to masturbation. To use, just lube it up and insert your rod. Then turn on the stroker, select your speed, and let Ultra Bator do all the work! Measurements: 10.5 inches in total length, 2 inches in diameter. Material: Thermoplastic Elastomers TPE, ABS plastic. Color Black. Note requires 4 AA batteries, not included.

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