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Rechargeable 5 Function 3 Speed Masturbator (CNVXR-AE393)
This multi function, automatic, rechargeable stroker is loaded with features for an incredible masturbation experience! The inner chamber is made of firm, stretchy rubber, lined with textured fingers to stroke you into ecstasy. The thrusting and swirling motion will move up and down your cock, stimulating you with every stroke. With 6 modes and 3 speeds to choose from, you can choose how fast or slow you want it. Splashproof and designed for an easy grip, this easy to use masturbation aid does practically all the work for you. In addition to all these exciting features, it even has a light-up display, for an incredible one-man show! Includes a USB cord so you can charge it on the go, just plug into your nearest USB port to power up, making it the perfect companion for computer viewing. Measurements: 10.5 inches in total length, 3 inches in diameter Material: TPE, ABS Color: Black Note: Comes with USB cord

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