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Pink Pussycat Vibrating Lipstick (COPPLS)
Pink Pussycat Vibrating Lipstick from the Cousins Group. You have heard the expression if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, right? If not, it is a saying, we promise, and it just means that if something looks like a thing, it is probably that thing. Well, not in this case! The Pink Pussycat Rechargeable Lipstick Vibe looks just like its name sake a lipstick, but surprise! It is a vibrator. Fitting right along side wallets, pens and other everyday purse, pocket dwellers, the Lipstick can come along on just about any adventure, and no one but you and maybe a playmate will ever know. Just pop the top to reveal a silky firm silicone tip perfect for targeting clitoris, nipples and other wise. One button at the base activates and varies vibration. By the way, you can say so long to batteries, because the Lipstick Vibe is fully USB rechargeable. Charge cord included. In body safe, phthalate and fragrance free ABS plastic plus hypoallergenic silicone, the Lipstick Vibe is easy to clean before and after playtime with some warm soapy water or a good toy care fluid/foam. This vibe is compatible with any favorite water based lubricant, but please keep it away from silicone lubes and other silicone toys. The Pink Pussycat Rechargeable Lipstick Vibe is splash proof for shower, but should not be fully submerged in water.

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