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Earthly Body Hand & Body Lotion Naked In The Woods Tube 7oz (EBHSV022T)
Hand and Body Lotion Velvet Naked In The Woods 7oz. Quench thirsty skin while restoring elasticity and flexibility with Earthly Body's Hand and Body Lotion. Non-greasy formula absorbs quickly and contains an ultra-moisturizing, nutrient rich blend of Hemp Seed Oil and Argan Oil from Morocco, leaving skin healthy, radiant, and silky smooth.

What are the best natural skin care products? If you have fought a losing battle to keep your skin healthy, it is time to look into the best natural products for skin care. These are the products that work together with healthy cleansing to make your skin glow again. Following a natural skin care remedy will help to soothe even the most problematic skin. By using ingredients that are derived naturally, such as flowers, essential oils, roots and herbs, natural skin care helps to calm irritated skin and reverse damage caused by harsh toxins found in common over-the-counter products. These harmful products contain chemicals, emulsifiers, humectants, surfactants, preservatives and carrier agents that promise desired results, but destroy the overall health of your skin.

The definition of a natural skin product is based on the use of botanical ingredients with very few if any synthetic chemicals. These products work with your body's unique chemistry to enhance flexibility, firmness and radiance of the skin: naturally.

Naked in the Woods: White Tea/Ginger Scent by Earthly Body of Chatsworth, California.Made in the USA

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