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Stroke 29 Masturbation Cream 3.3oz Tube (EP29)
Stroke 29, Empowered Products' premium cream lubricant, is designed to take masturbation to a whole new level. Unlike Silicone and water based lubricants, this thick, non-greasy formula provides more than just wet slipperiness. After years of research, our team has developed a lubricant that gets better the longer you use it. As the cream heats up from repetitive stroking of masturbation, the product texture transforms at or around the 29th stroke to simulate the sensation of aroused human tissue.

With the combination of heat and friction, a guy might actually forget he`s using his own hand. Stroke 29 provides a glide unlike any other masturbation lubricant available. The product's viscosity stays intact and does not break down during its transformation, so there is no need to re-apply. Stroke 29 skin beneficial almond oil, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E and is fragrance free and irritant free. Not recommended for use with latex condoms. Transforms for more intense masturbation. Thick creamy formula leaves no mess, no drips. Natural oils provide extended moisture. Fortified with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera for restorative and healing properties. Unscented and flavor free provides for a satisfying experience.

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