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ID Frutopia Lubricant Banana 1oz (IDTBE01)
ID Frutopia Banana Flavored Lubricant 1 ounce. All natural treat! Frutopia is the state of ecstasy you will be in after tasting the natural flavors in this latest lubricant line by ID. Frutopia gives you and your partner a delicious experience that no other flavored lube can compare with. This personal lube will make for a bedroom experience you will not soon forget as you find yourself in ever more yummy situations. With so many other flavored lubes on the market today you might be wondering why you should choose ID here are a few reasons that set us apart from the rest. Water based formula is naturally sweetened, has no sugars, and contains no artificial coloring. The flavor is so fresh you will feel like you have just taken a bite out of a fresh piece of fruit. In fact, Frutopia is even considered vegan friendly because our ingredients are extracted from natural vegetable based sources. Trying something new has never been this tasty. Additionally, Frutopia is a latex condom friendly lube.This means you can use it with latex products worry free.

ID takes great pride in having made such a revolutionary flavor experience for all customers to enjoy. Have some fun with your intimate encounters and throw this lube in your collection, you will be glad you did. Add a little flavor to the bedroom with this delectable fruit flavored lube. You will have you doing more than just licking your lips. Frutopia, no flavored lube will ever be the same. Ingredients: Water, Vegetable Based Glycerin, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Sodium Benzoate, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor.

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