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Intimate Earth Embrace Vaginal Tightening Gel 1oz (IE002)
Intimate Earth Embrace Vaginal Tightening 1 ounce. Alum free Gel. Intimate Earth understands that the vagina changes after childbirth. Often both men and women do not feel the same embrace or connection they once experienced. Embrace Vaginal Tightening Pleasure Gel contains a blend of certified organic extracts, natural capsicum, sunflower oil, and almond oil.

This unique formula causes the vaginal tissue to temporarily contract, allowing both partners to feel every inch of penetration for maximum pleasure. Unlike other tightening gels on the market, Embrace Tightening Gel does not contain alum, which works by dehydrating vaginal tissue. Embrace Vaginal Tightening Pleasure Gel contains a blend of extracts, natural capsicum, sunflower oil, and almond oil. This unique formula causes the vaginal tissue to temporarily contract, allowing both partners to feel every inch of penetration for maximum pleasure. Unlike other tightening gels on the market, Embrace does not contain alum, which works by dehydrating vaginal tissue. 30ml e or 1oz.

Ingredients: Water, Propanediol, Lycium Barbarum Goji Fruit, Cymbopogon Schoenanthus, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf, PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides, Menthyl Lactate, Potassium Sorbate, Polysorbate 20, Triethanolamine, Sodium Benzoate, Capsicium. New airless pump! Made in the USA

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