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JO H2O Anal Water Based Lubricant 8 ounces (JO40108)
JO Anal H2O Personal Lubricant is water based and has all the benefits of JO H2O Lubricant but with more viscosity than regular JO H2O, yet contains no oil, wax or silicone and washes off easily with water. Long lasting, odor and fragrance free. Non-staining, washes off easily with water. Higher viscosity than JO H2O Lube. Contains no numbing agents.

100% latex condom compatible and sex toys safe. JO Anal Personal Lubricant H2O is available in 2.5 ounces, 4.5 ounces, 8 ounces. Each sold separately. System JO cares about your sexual well being and takes great pride in producing products made from the highest grade and quality of the finest ingredients possible. Made under the regulations of the US FDA. System JO cares about your sexual well being and takes great pride in producing products made from the highest grade and quality of the finest ingredients possible. We design products for women by women that address specific female life stages, and cutting edge men's products and supplements as well. Physical pleasure, sexuality and intimacy are essential for a happy and balanced life. System JO offers comprehensive sensual solutions to help promote, enhance and stimulate your sexual health and well being.

System JO products include Personal Lubricants, Massage Glides, Bath and Body Therapies, Stimulation Gels, and Enhancement Products for both men and women. Meet Your New Best Friend, System JO.

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