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Lube Shooter Lubricant Delivery Device Smoke (KL300SMK)
1 plunger smoke. Get it between the cheeks, not on the sheets with the only lube up sell on the market! Lube is an adult retail staple and a guaranteed source of sales any time of the year. The original Lube Shooter now being offered as part of the Kinklab beginner bondage line - can be sold alongside any lube you carry because this refillable applicator is compatible with any type or consistency of personal lubricant, from water-based liquids to hard-to handle creams. This disposable lube applicator is now available in an array of five jewel-tone colors - color code your lubes by type or by their destination for safer, more sanitary play. To fill it, either pull out the plunger completely and pour lubricant into the barrel straight from the bottle - or if your lube comes in a tub, dunk the entire assembly in the container and pull up the plunger to fill. Don't double-dip! Make sure to use a clean barrel each time! The hypodermic-style construction guarantees that you won't spill a drop on your partner or on your sheets till you press down the plunger. Applicator: 5 inches from base to tip. Applicator: 1 inch in circumference. Plunger: 4 inches from base to tip. Plunger: 1/2 inch in circumference. KL300SMK Smoke Grey, KL300R Red, KL300PK Pink, KL300BL Blue, KL300PRP Purple. Each sold separately. Lubricant not included. The Lube Shooter by Kinklab.

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