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Olivia's Boudoir Massage Oil Unforgettable 4 fluid ounces (OBMOU01)
Olivia's Boudoir Massage Oil 4 fluid ounces Unforgettable. Each of my massage oils are made from pure Coconut Oil and my custom fragrances. They have been created for pleasure and pampering that will captivate both you and your partners senses. What starts as romantic interlude will be flamed into passion and desire with a symphony of exotic fragrances to select from. As the sensual oils gently cascade over the body, they nourish and moisturize, leaving it the skin smooth, silky and luxuriously fragrant and oh so alluring. So alluring and inviting. Warm and sensual.

Ohhh La La Cherie! Juicy ripe Gojo Berries, Frosted Jasmine, Gardenia Petals and Peach nectar make up the scents in this tempting oil. My massage/ body oil is made with pure coconut oil. It is one of the beauty secrets that has been used for centuries. Coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, leaving it smooth and silky and lightly fragrant. Ingredients: Pure Coconut Oil, Fragrance. 4 fluid ounces. All of the oils are in beautiful painted glass bottles.

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