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Erosense Insane Personal Moisturizer 4.2oz (ONEROVL344)
Erosense Insane Personal Moisturizer 4.2oz by Sensuva more revolutionary than ON. Ultra warming and uniquely stimulating. The Erosense line was created for people who are looking for healthier choices when it comes to their sexual wellness products. All of these healthy formulas include a combination of natural, organic food grade, eco-certified and European certified ingredients. They are all glycerin free and paraben free. And pH balanced to work perfectly with a woman's body. Erosense is the perfect choice for anyone and the best choice for those with those with allergies and sensitivities. Erosense Insane is the most intense stimulating personal moisturizer on the market. When it inserted vaginally, there is a relentless heat and then the sexiest feeling of circular movement inside the body. Women can feel it internally as well as externally when it comes in contact with the clitoris. Enjoy this wild roller coaster of sensation alone, or with a partner to take your love making to a climatic burst. Advanced users of arousal products will fall absolutely in love with Erosense Insane. Insane comes in a hybrid base so it is long lasting, hydrating, and never feels sticky or tacky. As part of the entire Erosense line, it is also menthol free, and contains no glycerin or parabens.

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