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Juicy Jewels Turquoise Twinkler Green Vibrator (PD124216)
Juicy Jewels Turquoise Twinkler Vibrator. Diamonds used to be a girl's best friend, until they tried one of these precious Juicy Jewels. Realistic phallic vibrator comes with a curved head followed by natural folds and creases plus thick veins on the shaft. The lower portion features a textured area for better control.

Probe can be used to stimulate the vagina, g-spot and clitoris. Made from super soft phthalate free jelly, these incredible vibes deliver thrilling sensations and lasting satisfaction, in or out of water. Cleanup is a snap after the fun with Pipedream toy cleaner and warm water. Use plenty of Moist lube for an extra wet, extra wild encounter. Waterproof design is perfect for the shower, hot tub or spa. Powerful multiple speed vibration. Bendable shaft curves to your body's contours. Perfect for beginners.

Vibrating sex toy requires 2 AA batteries, not included. Materials: ABS Plastic base, Thermoplastic Elastomers TPE Rubber. Vibrator measures 8.7 inches long by 1.8 inches wide. Country of origin China.

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