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Shock Therapy Pleasure Probe (PD372304)
Current must never flow through the heart. Do not use if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, if you suffer from epilepsy, or on any broken or inflamed skin.

Give your sex life a charge with the Shock Therapy Pleasure Probe. Perfect for beginners and those new to electro-sex, this 3" torpedo-shaped probe plugs into the electro-power unit and provides thrilling e-stimulation. The sleek design features a tapered tip and base, making it ideal for both vaginal or anal play. Choose a setting on the power unit's dial to control the intensity and go from a sensuous tingle to a throbbing tap in seconds. Switch between SLOW or FAST to control the frequency of the shock, or adjust the dial to control the strength of the shock. The Luv Touch compact control unit sends electrical impulses to the probe and can be used alone as a hand massager or together with the probe. To use the control as a hand massager, switch to IN mode. The oval center piece delivers the shock once your palm touches any other part of the metal. To use the power unit with the probe, switch it to OUT mode and connect the probes plug-in jack. NOTE: Requires (1) 3V (CR2032) battery (included) Modulation frequency: 0.01Hz ~ 1Hz, Pulse repetition frequency: < 70Hz Output pulse amplitude: 90-150 Hz
*Lubricants are a natural paired product to electro stim toys as they are needed to completed the circuit between the toy and skin, and also help avoid skin irritation. Water based lubricants are recommended based on their high ability to conduct electricity. Silicone is a natural resistor and is not recommended.

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