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Durex Extra Sensitive Smooth 12ct (R16048)
Durex Extra Sensitive Smooth Latex Condoms 12 Count from Paradise Marketing. Durex Extra Sensitive is one of our finest condoms created to enhance feeling between you and your partner, bringing you closer through sex. Extra Sensitive condom have extra lubrication, that helps heighten sensitivity and increase your pleasure. Durex Extra Sensitive condoms give you the intimate feeling of skin on skin contact. These male condoms are ultra fine lubricated latex condoms to help heighten the excitement and pleasure. Designed to be easy to put on and comfortable to wear and features a reservoir tip. Caution: this product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. This package is tamper evident. Do not use if carton or condom foils are damaged. When used correctly every time you have sex, latex condoms help prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of transmitting HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. Latex condoms do not completely eliminate the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). To get the most protection from a latex condom, use one correctly every time you have sex. Please see directions for use inside the package. There are many STIs. A latex condom can reduce the risk of STI transmission to or from the head of the penis. However, some STIs can also be spread by other sexual contact. For additional information on STI protection, please read the information inside the package; if you believe you have an STI, contact a health care provider. For more information on condoms or STIs, contact a health care provider or public health agency. Use each condom only once. Store in a cool, dry place (below 100 degrees F) and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Avoid excess heat.

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