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Bed Bondage Restraint Kit - Sex and Mischief (SS10000)
2012 XBIZ Award Winner - Marketing Campaign of the Year
Turn any size bed into a place of binding pleasure with the Sex and Mischief Bed Bondage Restraint Kit. Restraint straps quickly fit beneath any mattress or frame without hooks for an instant bondage bedroom. Restrain your partner's arms or legs from the sides or the top and bottom of the bed. The kit includes four 60 inch adjustable straps with cuffs, and one 60 inch connector strap.

Happy Anniversary.
It was our anniversary, and while we enjoyed traditional celebrations, we also shared a common love of the less conventional, more stimulating ways of commemorating certain occasions. Since I was the one who thought of it, he was the one who would be bound on our special night. We went to our favorite restaurant, and when we got home, I strapped him in and started kissing and caressing his body until the doorbell rang. I told him I’d just be a minute. It was my sister. She popped in to surprise us with a bottle of Champagne. I coyly told her my other half had been suddenly bedridden, but we shouldn’t waste the bubbly. Needless to say by the time my sister left, he was more anxious than ever to culminate our romantic evening.

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