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Bloomgasm Rose Duet Sucking Rose & Rosette (XRAG791)
Bloomgasm Rose Duet Sucking Rose and Rosette from Inmi line at XR Brands. Let your pleasure bloom with this Sucking and Vibrating couple of Roses! Built for intense blended orgasm, the smaller rose is designed to be inserted for deeply satisfying vibes, while the larger rose pulses and sucks on your clitoris. The unique corded design lets you manipulate both roses to target your sweet spots with ease! Enjoy 3 speeds and 7 patterns of vibration alongside 5 sucking modes in a convenient and premium package! The silicone material is velvety smooth and phthalate free for a body safe vibe every session. Rechargeable via included USB charging cable. Measurements: overall length 14.5 inches, cord length 9.5 inches, suction rose 2.2 inches by 2.8 inches, vibrating rosette 2 by 1.25 inches, suction hole diameter 0.5 inch. Made using body safe materials: Silicone, ABS Plastic. Color: Pink and Green. Key features: Roses built for your pleasure. Enjoy intense internal vibrations from the Rosette, and satisfying clitoral suction from the bigger Rose 3 speeds and 7 patterns of vibration, and 5 sucking modes availableUnique Versatile Design: The ergonomic design and 9.5 inch cord let you manipulate and target your sweet spots with ease while you play. Premium Silicone material. Built with a velvety smooth silicone that is phthalate free, latex free and body safe; compatible with water based lubes onlyUSB Rechargeable: Keep these roses at their peak power with the included USB charging cable. Video. 2021.

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